Service icon for Simultaneous and Consecutive translation Simultaneous and Consecutive translation in Rio de Janeiro

We have the best simultaneous and consecutive translators in Rio de Janeiro!

What is it?

Simultaneous translation (or translation in cabin) is the mode of translation in which the simultaneous interpreter translates, in a cabin and in real time, the words of the speaker.
In the consecutive translation, the interpreter stands next to the speaker and talks after the speaker stops talking.

Why do I need it?

Consecutive translation is indicated when there is a need for absolute precision. It is widely used in medical interpretations for communications between patients and doctors and in trade negotiations.
Simultaneous translation, because it is very intense, may be the best option when you want to save time. It is often used in congresses and conferences.

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The importance of Simultaneous and consecutive translation

Simultaneous and consecutive translation facilitates communication and provides a better use of meetings, encounters and events that involve the constant exchange of information and ideas.

Simultaneous translation is ideal for:

● Big Conferences;
● Meetings with large audiences;
● Events in which time should be optimized.

What is simultaneous translation

What is simultaneous translation

Simultaneous translation (also known as conference interpretation or simultaneous interpretation) orally translates the speech of a speaker into the language of one or more listeners.

This mode of translation, as the name itself already says, happens at the same time as the speaker speaks. It seeks to enable people who speak different languages to have the same experience at the same time without any linguistic barriers.

Simultaneous translation is done in a soundproof booth, and the interpreter hears the speaker through a headset and through a microphone, transmits the words to the participants (who in turn hear through receivers).

Simultaneous translators or simultaneous interpreters are professionals fluent in their working languages and are trained in communication, interpretation and translation techniques.

What is consecutive translation

What is consecutive translation

Consecutive translation or interpretation is the mode of translation in which, while the speaker speaks, the speaker takes notes (or takes mental notes) about what has been spoken. When the speaker pauses or stops speaking, the consecutive interpreter translates the entire message or part of it to the target language.

Different from simultaneous translation, in consecutive translation, speaker and interpreter do not speak at the same time.

This translation mode lasts roughly twice the time of simultaneous translation and does not allow for a natural fluency because there are constant interruptions.

Perguntas e Respostas

What are the advantages of simultaneous translation?

Optimized event time, and the lecture is rendered only in the official language; Allows greater concentration and attention of participants because there are no interruptions; All participants receive the same information in their language.

What are the advantages of consecutive interpretation?

It does not require translation equipment, such as cabins, transmitting equipment and receivers, technical staff, etc.; For not needing equipment and technical staff, it ends up being cheaper; Can be used in any type of environment; Greater translation accuracy.

What are the advantages of consecutive interpretation?

It does not require translation equipment, such as cabins, transmitting equipment and receivers, technical staff, etc.; For not needing equipment and technical staff, it ends up being cheaper; Can be used in any type of environment; Greater translation accuracy.

What are the negative points of simultaneous translation?

Requires translation booths, equipment and technical staff.

What are the negative points of consecutive interpretation?

The pronunciation time is greater; People can be distracted more because of the constant interruptions; Because of the interruptions, the speaker may not have a linear speech/reasoning as perhaps he would have in a simultaneous translation.

When can simultaneous translation be used?

Meetings with a large audience; Conferences; Smaller meetings with the use of portable translation equipment; Congresses; When there is a need for time optimization.

When should the consecutive translation be used?

Short meetings; Speeches; Press conferences; Interviews.

I want to save time, which translation model should I choose?

If you need to optimize time, simultaneous translation is the best option for you.

I want an accurate translation. Which one should I choose?

If you need precision, you should choose consecutive translation. Consecutive interpreters have more control of the situation, can clarify doubts, request repetitions and define the meaning of problematic terms.
What customers
say about us
We care a lot about what our customers think about us, and so should you. See what they say about us:

We work with the Agência Brasileira de Traduções for several years in our events, as it is the only company that guarantees a perfect combination of quality, price and professionalism! Because we are an international institution, we know the importance of a quality translation for the success of our Congress and so I chose AGBT. We are long-time partners and I have never had any complaints, just compliments.

Leopoldo de Albuquerque | President of the Smart City Business America Institute.

Leopoldo de Albuquerque

President of the Smart City Business America Institute.

Not only do we negotiate competitive prices, but each of our requests were delivered before the deadline and they were very flexible with last-minute changes in some of the final files we sent. It was great to deal with the team of the Agência Brasileira de Traduções and I have no hesitation in recommending their services. I look forward to working with you again in the future.

Dr. Hélio Luiz Vitorino Barcelos | Managing Partner at Barcelos e Associados Law Firm

Dr. Hélio Luiz Vitorino Barcelos

Managing Partner at Barcelos e Associados Law Firm

In general I was delighted with the standard of service and the Agência Brasileira de Traduções surpassed my expectations, in terms of quality of translation, deadlines and personalized costumer care. The PM was highly responsive, professional and fundamental to the success of the project. I would like to recommend the Agência Brasileira de Traduções to other demanding organizations that require translation of highly complex texts.

Elizabeth Salguero | Coordinator of programs and projects of UN Women Bolivia

Elizabeth Salguero

Coordinator of programs and projects of UN Women Bolivia
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