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Whatever your need is, we have the perfect professional in Cuiabá for you!

What is it?

A transcrição de áudio é a transposição do texto falado para o texto escrito e possui algumas edições para que o texto se adapte melhor às regras de escrita.
Audio transcription is the transposition of the spoken text to the written text and has some edits so that the text better suits the writing rules.
Transcription is also a language used by the police and also by the legal area to refer to the written version of any video or audio content.

Why do I need it?

You need transcription when you have the need to transcribe any kind of audio or video.
Whether for personal, business or legal purposes, we have the professional and the right service for you!

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Difference between verbatim transcription and edited transcription

Verbatim Transcription and Edited Transcription have the same meaning: transforming audio into text.
Verbatim transcription involves ensuring that each spoken word, every laugh, every emotion, background noise, mumbled or garbled sentences or words is transcribed and time-coded in the written format.
Edited transcriptions are when the transcriber can omit parts of the audio or video file, so long as the meaning of the recording does not change.

What are the particular characteristics of verbatim transcription?

What are the particular characteristics of verbatim transcription?

A transcription can only be called a verbatim when, in short, the written format is an exact replica of the audio or video file as recorded.

Frequent audio types in transcription

Frequent audio types in transcription

Frequent audio types:

  • Interviews
  • Lectures
  • Meetings
  • Seminars
  • Depositions
  • Judicial hearings
  • Recorded conversations
  • Market research

Whatever your need is, we have the best service and the best professionals to help you!

Transcription for legal purposes

Transcription for legal purposes

In the transcription, the text is more subordinate to the frames of orality (which is not always fluid), with the intention of transmitting beyond the information, the context of how that information was transmitted.

It has as one of the main purposes a legal process (hearing, deposition, etc.) or police (term of deposition, wiretapping).

Perguntas e Respostas

Can there be changes or adaptation in the transcription?

In an audio transcription the transcriber can make small adjustments so that the text becomes more natural and aligned with the writing rules, replacing words and eliminating some expressions.

Can the transcription be used for legal and police purposes?


In what situations is legal transcription more frequent?

Wiretaps, interrogations, hearings, depositions, etc.

What happens if there are problems understanding the audios?

During the transcription, the transcriber will write small explanation for specific situations such as [not audible] or [mumbling].
What customers
say about us
We care a lot about what our customers think about us, and so should you. See what they say about us:

We work with the Agência Brasileira de Traduções for several years in our events, as it is the only company that guarantees a perfect combination of quality, price and professionalism! Because we are an international institution, we know the importance of a quality translation for the success of our Congress and so I chose AGBT. We are long-time partners and I have never had any complaints, just compliments.

Leopoldo de Albuquerque | President of the Smart City Business America Institute.

Leopoldo de Albuquerque

President of the Smart City Business America Institute.

Not only do we negotiate competitive prices, but each of our requests were delivered before the deadline and they were very flexible with last-minute changes in some of the final files we sent. It was great to deal with the team of the Agência Brasileira de Traduções and I have no hesitation in recommending their services. I look forward to working with you again in the future.

Dr. Hélio Luiz Vitorino Barcelos | Managing Partner at Barcelos e Associados Law Firm

Dr. Hélio Luiz Vitorino Barcelos

Managing Partner at Barcelos e Associados Law Firm

In general I was delighted with the standard of service and the Agência Brasileira de Traduções surpassed my expectations, in terms of quality of translation, deadlines and personalized costumer care. The PM was highly responsive, professional and fundamental to the success of the project. I would like to recommend the Agência Brasileira de Traduções to other demanding organizations that require translation of highly complex texts.

Elizabeth Salguero | Coordinator of programs and projects of UN Women Bolivia

Elizabeth Salguero

Coordinator of programs and projects of UN Women Bolivia
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