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We have the ideal sworn translator for you in Campo Grande!

What is it?

The public translation, also known as sworn translation, validates documents issued in a foreign language and is obligatory made by an official sworn translator.
Without the sworn translation, no document written in a foreign language has an official value.

Why do I need it?

You need the sworn translation when there is a need to translate official documents, such as diplomas, declarations, birth/marriage/death certificates, school histories, power of attorneys, etc.
The sworn translation, made exclusively by a sworn translator, does not replace the original document, it is an addition.

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How do I know if my translation needs to be a sworn translation?

You need the sworn translation when there is a need to translate official documents, such as diplomas, declarations, birth/marriage/death certificates, school histories, power of attorneys, etc.

The sworn translation, made exclusively by a sworn translator, does not replace the original document, it is an addition.

When to hire a Sworn Translator

When to hire a Sworn Translator

The sworn translator is responsible for translating a document from one language to another, attesting to its legitimacy and making it official in the country of destination, by means of the public faith attributed to the position.

Therefore, no document issued in a foreign language has legal validity if it is not validated by a sworn translator.

According to the National Translators Union (SINTRA), for some institutions or offices (governmental or private) the sworn translation of foreign language documents is mandatory.

When the foreign language document needs to be presented to a Brazilian Court or filed in the Registry, the sworn translation must be attached. It does not replace the original document.

Frequent documents in the sworn translation

Frequent documents in the sworn translation

The most common documents requiring sworn translation are:

  • Acts;
  • Personal Documents;
  • Driver’s license;
  • Contracts;
  • Certificates (marriage, birth, death);
  • School Documents (Certificates, diplomas and histories);
  • Foreign Trade Documents;
  • Manifests;
  • Passports;
  • Powers of Attorney;
  • Legal proceedings;
  • Judgments and wills;
  • Proceedings, among others…

If the document requires other signatures after the sworn translation, it is indicated that you opt for the simple translation. The sworn translation may only contain the signature of the sworn translator, and other signatures completely invalidate the sworn translation.

What is a Sworn Translator?

What is a Sworn Translator?

A sworn translator is a professional authorized by the Brazilian Federal Government to make the sworn translation. It is necessary for the sworn translator to be concoursed and licensed by the Commercial Board of the respective State.

The sworn translator also acts as an interpreter in court, both in the registry office, and in other places that have the need for official interpretation.

It is mandatory the sworn translation professional to be fluent in at least one foreign language and be familiar with the grammar, culture and linguistic customs.

It is also necessary for the sworn translator to have Brazilian citizenship and to reside in Brazil.

Perguntas e Respostas

Is the sworn translation valid in all States of Brazil?

Yes. Regardless of whether the sworn translators provide their translation services in a given state and are subordinate to the Trade Board of that state, the sworn translation is valid throughout the national territory.

How to proceed, if there is not a sworn translator of the language I need?

If you do not find a sworn translator in the language you need, contact your state's trading board and file a process of ad hoc licensing, who, although is not an authorized certified sworn translation professional, is a translator with proven proficiency in the language.

Are there specialized sworn translators?

The sworn translator is licensed to translate certain languages of his domain. However, some sworn translators may have specific formations (e.g. in psychology, medicine, law), which may enhance the sworn translation of some documents.

What is the difference between sworn translation and simple translation?

The simple translation can be done without public faith, that is, who decides the aptitude for such a mode of translation is the translator himself. The procedure is defined between the client and the translator. The sworn translation must be made by a licensed sworn translator and must follow standard rules and procedures.

What is the cost of a sworn translation?

The price is based on the amount of text to be translated. The sworn translator needs to see the document to be translated so that he can calculate the final price for the job. Tip: If you want to get a quick quotation, send the scanned document, by email, to our sworn translators.

Why does the translator need to see the document to determine the price of the sworn translation?

It is necessary for the sworn translator to see the document, rather than only count the number of pages, because the formatting of the documents varies greatly. Often official documents have recognitions and endorsements, including the verse, which also need to be translated. Thus, the sworn translator can only set up a fair budget, with deadlines and values, after having access to the document.

What is the delivery time for sworn translations?

There is no established or mandatory deadline. The deadline varies according to the number of documents to be translated and the availability of the translator. The sworn translator is the one who establishes the delivery time.

What is a simple translation?

The translation is the modification of a text written in foreign language into Portuguese. The version is the transcription of a text written in Portuguese into a foreign language.

Can sworn translators also make simple translations?

Yes. Sworn translators can also work with simple translations.

Yes. Sworn translators can also work with simple translations.

When your sworn translation is ready, you must present it. Since the sworn translation does not replace the official document, it must always be attached to the document or copy of the original.

When is the sworn translation not necessary?

The sworn translation is not necessary when there is a need for the translated document to be signed after its translation, as in the case of a contract, for example. In these cases, simple translation is recommended because the sworn translation can only contain the signature of the sworn translator. Any other signature invalidates the document.

Is the sworn translation valid abroad?

Decree No. 13,609 stipulates the validity of the sworn translation throughout the national territory, however abroad, each country has its own laws and regulations on the acceptance of the translation. In order to ensure validity abroad, the person can opt for the Hague Apostille for countries signatory of the Convention.

What is the Hague Apostille?

The Hague Apostille is a seal or stamp issued by the competent authorities, which is placed in the document as a means of certifying its authenticity by the entity from which it was issued, so that it is validated in the requested country. The certificate aims to expedite and simplify legalization of documents between signatory countries, making Brazilian documents valid abroad and foreign documents valid in Brazil, eliminating the bureaucratic process previously existing.

How to make the Hague Apostille?

The certification of the authenticity of the signature of the person, function or position exercised by the signatory (and when necessary, the authenticity of the seal and the stamp), is made by the notary offices in any Brazilian capital. P.S.: Hire our service, we'll take care of everything for you!
What customers
say about us
We care a lot about what our customers think about us, and so should you. See what they say about us:

We work with the Agência Brasileira de Traduções for several years in our events, as it is the only company that guarantees a perfect combination of quality, price and professionalism! Because we are an international institution, we know the importance of a quality translation for the success of our Congress and so I chose AGBT. We are long-time partners and I have never had any complaints, just compliments.

Leopoldo de Albuquerque | President of the Smart City Business America Institute.

Leopoldo de Albuquerque

President of the Smart City Business America Institute.

Not only do we negotiate competitive prices, but each of our requests were delivered before the deadline and they were very flexible with last-minute changes in some of the final files we sent. It was great to deal with the team of the Agência Brasileira de Traduções and I have no hesitation in recommending their services. I look forward to working with you again in the future.

Dr. Hélio Luiz Vitorino Barcelos | Managing Partner at Barcelos e Associados Law Firm

Dr. Hélio Luiz Vitorino Barcelos

Managing Partner at Barcelos e Associados Law Firm

In general I was delighted with the standard of service and the Agência Brasileira de Traduções surpassed my expectations, in terms of quality of translation, deadlines and personalized costumer care. The PM was highly responsive, professional and fundamental to the success of the project. I would like to recommend the Agência Brasileira de Traduções to other demanding organizations that require translation of highly complex texts.

Elizabeth Salguero | Coordinator of programs and projects of UN Women Bolivia

Elizabeth Salguero

Coordinator of programs and projects of UN Women Bolivia
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